
oslo, norway

The mini-ramp at Torshov has been a staple of the Oslo skate-scene for many years, with various iterations of the ramps being built and maintained by the local community. Torshov has always had a strong DIY ethos, and over the last two years the community has come together to host an ad-hoc weekend of music and skate-jams, dubbed the Torshov Open.

2022 saw the 10th Birthday of Betongpark in Norway, and the second Torshov Open event. To celebrate this we teamed up with the community at Torshov and donated an entirely new, DIY inspired, concrete skate-spot at the legendary site. Pulling in our team from the UK, we worked with the locals to re-purpose Jersey barriers and granite ledges, pour some new concrete, and fabricate what must be the world’s longest purpose built rail.